Healing Health Principles By: John Smothers

Do you suffer with cancer or some other disease that has taken hold of your body? Have your attempts to find help and healing failed? If you are feeling hopeless please keep reading.

Follow me as I take you to the place you are seeking. Let’s talk a little so I can paint a picture for you of hope and healing.

After years of ingesting harmful food additives and being exposed to many toxic environmental chemicals, your body has accumulated as many as 278 known toxins. In turn, your body’s immune system has been working overtime to protect and rid itself of these unwanted chemical invaders. If your body, unaided by the proper nutrients, has become overwhelmed by the task of trying to restore your body’s health, symptoms of illness appear and progress. As time passes, your immune system, nervous system, tissues, and organs become overtaxed and unable to function properly. Your entire body becomes very toxic. As a result of your body being overtaxed, you feel overwhelmed. You have been told you are very sick, and you’re afraid you may be losing the battle. Wanting to win, wanting to live, you wonder what it would take to heal. Some of you may have been told that there is little hope, while others of you sense there are healthier and more successful options available that haven’t yet been presented to you.

Consider this: If sickness results from your body’s repeated exposure to toxins, which has undermined the ability of your immune system to ward off illness, why would you add more toxins to your body’s systems which have already deteriorated as the result of toxin over-exposure? However, you may scoff at the idea that your illness is related to toxicity. You may hesitate to believe that becoming healthy has anything to do with detoxifying. If you do already believe, though, that the restoration of your health has something to do with detoxifying your body, you may wonder if it’s even possible to detoxify aggressively enough to treat your illness in time.

You are at a fork in the road. The left fork represents fear, which in itself is a very costly venture potentially leading to greater suffering and even to a point of no return for you. The right fork represents a healing adventure aligning you with your greater purpose in life and drawing you to a place of health and peace. I encourage you to choose the right fork and follow me. Please keep reading.

The right fork represents a healing adventure in which you trust that God (or our Creator) has promised and provided a way for you to have a healthy, abundant life. I encourage you to travel the path of the right fork. If a voice beckons you in this direction, please continue reading.

The four principles below describe briefly our beliefs and basic foundations to help you achieve optimum health.

Right Fork Healing Adventure Principles:

1) Eating Raw Food:

Start looking at food in a different light. Realize that food is intended to do more than extinguish hunger pangs. Likewise, the function of food is beyond simply pleasing your palette. In fact, food is actually a subcategory of something of greater value: nourishment. One definition of nourishment is the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition. Every living thing, creature, and being needs nourishment, so when you get ready to eat, ask yourself this: As I eat this food, what will it give me in return, temporary pleasure or health? Toxicity or cellular cleansing and renewal? If you want the food you put in your mouth to provide cellular cleansing and renewal, then eat a diet high in raw food, 80% of your diet or higher. This is your new foundation. It’s like building a house. Your body is your house. We want this house to withstand and endure the storms of life.

Raw foods have enzymes which assist in digestion and carry nutrition to the cells of the body. Cooking destroys enzymes, which start to die off at 112 °F and are completely

dead at 119-123 °F. Did you know that if a food is unable to grow, it is because its enzymes have been depleted? Similarly, while reproducing is a normal function of all life, plants that have been genetically modified are unable to reproduce themselves as God originally designed them. For instance, some seed-bearing plants are genetically modified so that they have no seeds!

To test the idea of how life-promoting a vegetable is, place a raw carrot in water or soil. Does it sprout or grow? Does it sustain life? Now place a cooked carrot in water or soil and watch what happens. Do you see over time that the cooked vegetable only decomposes while the raw vegetable thrives? The raw plant lives because its enzymes are intact. Raw food has the power to take a sick, weak cell and transform it into a stronger, healthy cell. Some scientists agree that this living food actually enables the body to fight off cancer. Raw food and the power of nutrition do this by waking up the P53 gene which promotes the death of unhealthy cells, thereby preventing rapid cancerous mutations.

Eating food is comparable to burning wood in a fireplace. When wood burns, it creates ash as a byproduct. When we eat cooked food like grains and meat, the by-product inside our bodies is an acidic ash. This ash robs our bodies of vital minerals and electrolytes. Unlike cooked food, raw food leaves no ash, only fiber. This fiber cleans our organs and gastrointestinal tract as it moves through the stomach and intestines and out of the rectum. Raw, living food is full of enzymes and does not rob the body of electrolytes. Raw foods actually add minerals and vital energizing nutrients and doesn’t leave any waste behind. Follow me next on this topic of healing adventure to the subject of detoxification.

2) Juicing:

Juicing is a way to attain the most amount of nutrition from vegetables. It may be very difficult to eat 5 pounds of carrots, 2 pounds of cucumbers and 1 pound of broccoli, as an example. However, you could easily juice these vegetables and drink them throughout the day. It is a way to maximize the nutrition in your body. Consider the thoughts below from one of my hero’s in life, Paul Bragg, a pioneer of juicing and fasting.

These live, recharging juices are made from fresh, organically-grown vegetables and ripe fruits – the very life-blood of the plant – to boost your energy and immune levels!

There is no liquid on Earth so satisfying as fresh live juice drink. Not only is it delicious, but there is something far greater: the satisfaction and nourishment for the billions of cells that make up your body. When people take to the health cocktail habit, they are putting the plants’ liquid life into their bodies, to super­charge their health!

Consider that fruits and vegetables have been grown naturally by solar energy (sun­ shine). They contain all of the elements that the sun and earth have buried deep into their fibrous cells; they are live-cell foods. Juicing is a convenient, inexpensive way to obtain the most concentrated form of nutrition available from live whole plant and
fruit foods. And, since juicing condenses the nutritional impact of many raw vegetables into one glass, you can incorporate many more vegetables into your juices, as well as a greater variety of them. Variety not only helps to prevent food allergies, it is also an important element in the concept in food rotation.

Did you know that 95% of the vitamins and enzymes our bodies need are found in the juice of raw fruits and vegetables? We would need to eat 2 pounds of carrots, 10-12 apples, or 8 pounds of spinach to get the same amount of nutrients you receive in one 16 oz juice. When you drink juice, highly concentrated vitamins, minerals and enzymes are rapidly absorbed and carried into the bloodstream. Your blood, in turn, delivers the nutrients from the fruits and vegetables directly to all of your cells. Meanwhile, your digestive organs receive a much-needed rest.

Do you remember the last time you ate a big, typical American meal? Did you feel a little sleepy, accompanied by the need to “kick back” for a while? Do you know why you felt the need to relax? It’s because it takes approximately 85% of your body’s energy to digest a big meal. On the other hand, a juice’s nutrients can be absorbed easily by your intestines without requiring the usual amount of digestion. The energy saved can be directed toward healing your body rather than digesting your food!

3) Detoxifying:

Detoxify your body of unwanted toxins that are interfering with your God given ability to function. If you are able*, fasting is the quickest way to rid your body of these unhealthy toxins. Throughout your life, science says, you have accumulated over 278 different chemicals that interfere with your body’s ability to communicate with each cell. An accelerated liquid fast from all solid food speeds detoxification. (*Blood sugar stability and one’s energy capacity determines a person’s ability to sustain a long fast.)

At Integrative Wellness Center, we have two main types of fasts: a “Part 1” fast and a “Part 2” fast. The Part 1 fast involves drinking 2-3 quarts of fresh organic juice each day. This is very cleansing and is the quickest way to expel unwanted toxins. Part 2 additionally incorporates vegetarian protein powder shakes for continued detoxification. (The protein powder we use is classified as a medical food.) Proteins are used to maintain a healthy detox while preventing muscle wasting from long term fasts. Green juices, those made from wheatgrass and green leafy vegetables, are very healing to the body. They cause each cell to leap with joy! Green juices cleanse, renew, and revitalize cells, thereby enabling them to function in harmony with one common purpose, your ultimate health. Your cells are craving these vital nutrients. Will you choose to fight for your body or succumb to illness, disease, and premature death. If you choose health and life, please continue reading.

4) Enemas:

The first mention of the enema in medical literature comes from Ancient Egypt. The enema was considered such an essential component of good health that every pharaoh had his own so-called “Guardian of the Anus.” Both the Edwin Smith Papyrus (c.1600 BC) and the Ebers Papyrus (c. 1550 BC) — two of the earliest known medical documents — mention enemas in detail. Ancient Greek writings corroborate with the Egyptian preoccupation with colonic cleanliness. In 500 BC, Hippocrates and his followers began to advocate health by enema as well as did the eternally popular Galen, some 650 years later.

In the United States during the 1920’s and 1930’s, enemas were regularly used as a standard practice among most physicians and implemented as common treatment in most hospitals. It was not until the 50’s that the use of enema therapy started gradually to decrease with the development of drugs, suppositories, and laxatives. Currently, it is estimated that over 30 million people in the U.S. suffer from the multiple effects of an imbalance in the gastrointestinal system. The gastrointestinal system is the largest immune organ in your body.

Coffee enemas help to dilate the bile ducts, causing bile to dump, which de-stresses the liver and gallbladder. Salt and essential oil enemas enhance immunity, balance electrolytes, and support intestinal lumen.

By removing approximately 18 pounds of stored fecal matter in the 25 feet long gastrointestinal tract, a great deal of pressure is removed from the digestive system. As long as this bile remains, the body recirculates fecal matter back into the bloodstream, overwhelming the immune system. Approximately 500 species of bacteria increase pro- inflammatory cytokines and histamine levels which cause more inflammation. Essential oil suppositories help bring gut dysbiosis back into balance. I invite you to detoxify your body overnight in this powerful and effective manner.

4) Dietary Supplements and Lab Testing:

Functional medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease, using a systems- oriented approach and engaging both client and practitioner in a therapeutic partnership. Functional lab tests are required to fully access your deficiencies and imbalances. Like a car with bad spark plugs, fuel is burned very inefficiently and the engine will suffer from breakdown. Our bodies are similar. We incorporate functional lab tests that give us feedback and valuable information on vital foundational health principles. Our labs measure several things: (1)how food is digesting; (2)how to best access detoxification pathways; (3)what the body’s ability is to adapt to stress; and (4) what the balance (or imbalance) is in the neuro-endocrine system. The lab tests also asses the levels of heavy metals, antioxidants, fungus, yeast, parasites and other micro organisms. Our goal is to maximize the vital capacity of each living cell.

This is a list of some of the labs we use: Genova Diagnostics, NeuroScience/ Pharmasan Labs, Brendan Bioscience, ALCAT, LABCORP.


The Integrative Wellness Center has many positive heath stories to share and would like to mentor you toward optimum health. Please call or email our office to schedule a consultation. Out goal is to give you all the tools for establishing a new, healthy life style: to teach you how to walk, so to speak, so that you may run the race you were intended to run and finish well. Week-long intensive programs are in place to help you establish a strong foundation. We will guide you into a step-by-step program to help you recover your health. Dial (901)763-7006. Our office staff will be happy to assist you.

It is important that you consult with your physician first before reducing, changing, or discontinuing any medication or treatment. This website’s recommendations should be considered as “generally informational” only and not as specifically applicable to any individual’s medical problem(s), concerns, and/or needs.

6262 Poplar Avenue, Suite 200 Memphis, TN 38119 p901.763.7006 http://www.integrativewellness.org

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